Hi, I'm Ali Vee


20 years ago, my parents purchased a run down roadside motel in Michigan. 

There were weeks of painting, hammering and curse words galore. Once the carpet-ripping and gutting was finally over, the real work began.

As one can imagine with a small, family-owned business, I was part of all the business processes. From selling ice cream, scrubbing toilets, checking in guests and even making my own jewelry to sell in the store...

What really changed my life (unknowing to bracelet-beading me) was learning the ins & outs of customer service, labor/product costs and legalities. The operations and financial work would set the foundation for everything. 

From selling vanilla soft serve to researching corporate finances.

After earning a BA in Hospitality Business and helping open businesses in Michigan, Colorado and California, general manager me started to get...curious.

I found myself needing to really dive into the financials - to make sure our numbers were in order. Like a 5-year-old obsessively asking why...

Unsatisfied with the dumbed down answers from Corporate, I (after meeting with EVERY accountant I knew for advice) QUIT...earned a Masters of Accountancy and became an Enrolled Agent. This is me taking a need-to-know to the extreme. Totally normal. 

Now, I serve small businesses and rental owners who want to create generational wealth.

*If you’re wondering what an Enrolled Agent is, the answer is below.* 

There’s good-to-follow standards. Then, there’s our level of obsession.

When we say we go above and beyond, we damn well mean it. Here’s a little proof. We:

  • Have read a newly released 400 page IRS document mid-tax season - to guarantee we are completely up-to-date and giving you the best (IRS WON’T COME TO YOUR DOOR!) tax planning & prep services 
  • Spend thousands annually on Continuing Education and travel to the California Society of Enrolled Agent’s conferences that make sure we are absolutely on point on anything the IRS or Franchise Tax Board could throw at ya 
  • Go through IRS webinars that outline all the Dos and Dont’s - so you can breathe easy (like savasana after a hot yoga sculpt class) 
  • Host educational events for business owners on topics such as retirement planning, legal issues, tax law updates (holy-moly, lots of changes in 2020!) and more. 

Our mission is to provide professional services with a side of education.

In our hands, your business is at an advantage today, tomorrow and at tax time.

So...What is an Enrolled Agent?


Here’s the breakdown, straight from the regulatory nerds themselves.

Enrolled Agents are federally-licensed tax practitioners who specialize in tax preparation and have unlimited rights to represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service. If you get a letter from the IRS, or worse, are audited or are the target of a collection action, your EA can speak directly to the IRS on your behalf.

​Enrolled Agents are trained in a wide variety of tax situations, both common and unusual. With tax laws changing yearly, it’s more critical than ever to consult with a qualified tax specialist on your tax and financial strategy. The Enrolled Agent license is the highest credential the IRS issues. Be confident about your tax return – use an Enrolled Agent.

  • IRS Enrolled Agents are required to understand not only the complexity of today’s tax code and how it applies to you, but also how constant changes affect your liability. 

  • In addition to stringent testing to initially qualify (including a rigorous background check), IRS Enrolled Agents are mandated to undergo extensive ongoing training every year. This training exceeds the IRS’ requirements.​​

  • IRS Enrolled Agents are required to abide by the provisions and ethical standards of the Department of Treasury’s Circular 230.​​

  • With an IRS Enrolled Agent, you have a limited client privilege under the law and can have confidentiality for certain conditions, such as audits and collections.